Alton Town - Lizzie Marshall
Hello, I’m Lizzie Marshall, and I’m excited to to be the candidate representing Alton Town in the Hampshire County Council elections.
I was born in Southampton but settled in Alton in 2013. My husband, Jon, and I fell in love with the beauty of this town and its welcoming community. We married locally and have built our life here, and we are proud to raise our family here.
My career has been as a registered nurse, a specialist community public health nurse, and now a teacher of nursing, and health and social care at a college. I have had the privilege of working with people from all walks of life, supporting them through some of their most challenging times. Working on the front lines of healthcare, I’ve seen first-hand how policy decisions affect people’s lives. This experience has shaped my deep commitment to public service and my passion for empowering others.
I’m standing as a candidate because I believe in authentic representation. Alton deserves infrastructure, especially healthcare services, that matches its growth. It is vital that we protect public health and wellbeing as councils navigate financial challenges. I am determined to bring my experiences to the council, advocate for the community, and ensure that residents’ voices are heard.

Alton Rural - Alex Ehrmann
I have lived in Ropley for over 25 very happy years. It has been a great place to bring up a family, work and enjoy so much of the fantastic aspects of Hampshire life.
While out talking to residents throughout the Alton Rural area, however, I hear the same frustrations and concerns about present life in Hampshire. People are fed up with the state of our roads and pavements, worry about further cuts to public services, waiting times at GP surgeries and hospitals, and want to properly protect our precious environment.
For too long the Conservatives running Hampshire County Council have taken local residents' votes for granted. But the results of the District council elections and the near elimination of the Conservatives' 22,000 majority in the General Election show that people have rightly had enough.
We need a County Council that listens to you and acts genuinely on your behalf. A council where we can properly represent you and your interests so that you are part of making the decisions that affect us all. It's time for a change for the better in Hampshire: it's time for a Liberal-Democrat-led Hampshire County Council. Help me ensure Alton Rural is part of that change

Petersfield Butser - David Podger
I’m Hampshire born with strong Hampshire roots and have lived in Lovedean and Petersfield for over 20 years.
I have been out speaking to residents on the door step throughout 2024 and am continuing in 2025. Wherever I go I hear the same concerns: the state of our roads and pavements, fears over further cuts to public services, waiting times at GP surgeries, threats to close recycling centres that are then mysteriously reversed.
For too long, the Conservatives have taken the votes of local residents for granted. But the results of the District Council election and near elimination of the Conservative’s 22,000 majority in the general election show that people have had enough.
Petersfield and Clanfield now have no Conservative District Councillors. I am working hard to ensure that there are no Conservative County Councillors in East Hampshire.
We need a County Council that trusts you more and really listens to you. A Council where you can be part of making the decisions that affect us all. It’s time for a change in Hampshire. It’s time for a Liberal Democrat-led Hampshire County Council.

Petersfield Hangers - Thomas Figgins
I was born in Petersfield and have had a strong connection to the local area from a young age, having first become politically engaged locally at 16 helping to work for a better deal for people in Petersfield and the Hangers.
I've served Petersfield already as a Town Councillor since June 2023 and have loved every chance to make a positive difference working for the betterment of our community. Knocking on doors to listen to residents is the most important thing to do, we want to make sure that we deliver on what is most important for people locally. Whether it's the state of potholes on our roads, bus routes being axed, GP waiting times or the appalling state of recycling we will always fight for you and your concerns.
For too long the Conservatives have taken locals for granted, acted with impunity and borderline recklessness with public services. However, the recent results in the general election have shown that people have rightly had enough of Conservative administrations.
We need a County Council that listens and delivers on what residents need. A council that doesn't run behind closed doors and away from locals but one that works hand in hand with people to ensure the best results for everyone. It's time for a new and improved Hampshire; It's time for a Liberal Democrat led Hampshire County Council.

Liphook, Grayshott & Headley - Lynsey Conway
I’m a local mum, working in health and charity sector, who has lived in the area for over ten years.
I previously stood for District Councillor in Bramshott and Liphook – and in 2023, I stood in Grayshott, where I narrowly missed out to the Conservatives by a tiny margin (41 votes).
My key areas of interest are enhancing local mental health services; improving Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision for children and young adults; and helping to address local traffic problems, particularly in Grayshott and Liphook, for the safety and well-being of our residents.
I want to listen and truly represent your views during what could be the last, truly local democratic elections. NB: district councils are likely to be abolished as part of the Government’s plans for devolution and formation of large, unitary authorities.
I am excited about the journey ahead and look forward to working with you all to bring positive change to our area.

Catherington - Toby Woodcock
Having been born and raised in the Horndean area, I have developed a deep understanding and appreciation for the unique character of our community. At its heart, this is a place we all call home, a community defined by its shared values.
Local government is where real change begins. Our communities face challenges that require fresh ideas, collaboration and a commitment to fairness. As your representative, I will work to ensure your voice is heard and your concerns are addressed, not just in our community, but also across the broader county.
At its core, politics is the art of ensuring a better future for all. In these times of economic uncertainty, deepening inequality and the ever-present threat of climate crisis. We need bold, pragmatic leadership that can bridge our societal and political differences and benefit the needs of the many, not the few.
The challenges we face in our community are not dissimilar to those faced by our friends and neighbours across the Country. To create a brighter future, we must demand fresh ideas and a shared commitment to progress. I am here to work with our community, listen to our community and serve our community for the benefit of all.