Thomas Figgins announced as the Liberal Democrat County Council candidate for Petersfield Hangers

"I was born in Petersfield and have had a strong connection to the local area from a young age, having first become politically engaged locally at 16 helping to work for a better deal for people in Petersfield and the Hangers.
I've served Petersfield already as a Town Councillor since June 2023 and have loved every chance to make a positive difference working for the betterment of our community. Knocking on doors to listen to residents is the most important thing to do, we want to make sure that we deliver on what is most important for people locally. Whether it's the state of potholes on our roads, bus routes being axed, GP waiting times or the appalling state of recycling we will always fight for you and your concerns.
For too long the Conservatives have taken locals for granted, acted with impunity and borderline recklessness with public services. However, the recent results in the general election have shown that people have rightly had enough of Conservative administrations.
We need a County Council that listens and delivers on what residents need. A council that doesn't run behind closed doors and away from locals but one that works hand in hand with people to ensure the best results for everyone. It's time for a new and improved Hampshire; It's time for a Liberal Democrat led Hampshire County Council."